
St John's holds a number of different types of service throughout the month and below is a brief description of each of the services held during the month.

If you wish to find out what services are available in the coming week then please look here.

Holy Communion

Communion using the Book of Common Prayer.

Parish Eucharist

A Eucharist using modern language of Common Worship and music led by the Choir. The Children's Church meets during the service.

Group Eucharist

A Eucharist using modern language of Common Worship for all the CofE West Worcester Group churches to be held at either St. John's, St. Clement's, St. Michael's or St. David's.

Family Service

A non-Eucharistic service led by our ALM* team with music from the Music Group.

(*Authorised Lay Minister)


This is a sung evening act of worship using the traditional Book of Common Prayer. Music led by the Choir.

Evening Prayer

A short evening act of worship using Common Worship.

Midweek Eucharist

The midweek Eucharist will be a said service (i.e. no hymns etc) on Tuesdays at 10am in the Lady Chapel (south aisle), and will last around 25 minutes, using the Book of Common Prayer. All are welcome for a little quiet reflection in the midst of the week's business.