• June News for the Clergy

    June News for the Clergy

    20 Jul 2024 • From the Clergy

    ​The theme set for this month’s magazine is “Peter or Petertide.”

    I have always had something of a soft spot for Peter. Unlike some of the other saints, Peter is so reassuringly like me. At times hot headed and impetuous; opening his mouth before engaging his brain, he gets so many things wrong! And yet it is this fallible and changeable man that Jesus describes as the rock on which he will build his church. If Peter does nothing else for us, he surely proves that God has a sense of humour!

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  • May News from the Clergy

    May News from the Clergy

    12 Jun 2024 • From the Clergy

    The prompt which the editors gave me for this month’s letter was ‘Apostles’, prompted by the feast of Saints Philip and James on 1st May. Were I Greek Orthodox, then I would be celebrating a ‘double name day’ on that date, with the two saints for which I am named sharing a feast day. (I am almost certain this was not in my parents’ thoughts when they named me, but it is a tidiness of which I approve.)
    There would be an epic party and everyone would give me lavish gifts to celebrate…
    Back in the real world, this does raise the question of what an apostle is. It is a word used so much in the Church that we never really think about it. There is clearly something special about being an apostle, as is obvious by how desperately Paul

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  • Little Lambs volunteer opportunity

    Little Lambs volunteer opportunity

    22 Feb 2024 • St John's Parish News

    ​Little Lambs is the community playgroup run at St John’s church. Come and join the fun!

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  • Children's Church

    Children's Church

    15 Jan 2024 • St John's Parish News

    Children’s Church has restarted at St John’s.

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  • December Messy Church

    December Messy Church

    29 Nov 2023 • St John's Parish News

    December's Messy Church is all about Advent & Angels (with a small sprinkling of Christmas).

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  • Christmas 2023 Services

    Christmas 2023 Services

    15 Nov 2023 • St John's Parish News

    The Church services for the Worcester City West Churches have been published

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  • Estates Manager

    Estates Manager

    14 Nov 2023 • St John's Parish News

    The Joint Council of St John's and St Michael's Churches is looking to appoint a part time Estates Manager with responsibility for the church buildings and associated properties.

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  • Annual Report 2022

    Annual Report 2022

    23 Sep 2023 • St John's Parish News

    The annual report for 2022 is now available.

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  • Parish Administrator Required

    Parish Administrator Required

    23 Sep 2023 • From the Clergy

    The churches of St John's and St Michael's require a new Parish Administrator following the resignation of the current one, who is moving away from the local area.

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  • October News From The Clergy

    October News From The Clergy

    22 Sep 2023 • From the Clergy

    In 1147, a headstrong fourteen-year-old gathered together a group of mercenaries in France and invaded England. The boy would go on to be one of the most successful of English kings after he was crowned Henry II, seven years later, but right now he was hopelessly out of his depth. His plan was to make good the claim of his mother, Matilda, to the throne currently occupied by King Stephen, but few took a boy barely into his teens very seriously.

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